\⁂ The 2025 Event Will Also Be Held! ⁂/



We would like to inform you that the details for "Nanakkado Naked Pilgrimage" on January 7, 2025 (Tuesday) have been decided.

(* Matters decided as of 2024/12/06 (Friday) are listed.)



↓↓↓Please check the linked article below for "Notice regarding Gencho Pilgrimage". ↓↓↓








[About Nanakado Nude Worship]






2025年(令和7年) 1月7日(火)午後8時30分より





【PDF】R7七日堂裸詣り要項 (003)




(2)下帯代をお持ちでない方は別途下帯代がかかります。(無地:800円 刺しゅう入り:1,200円)



  1. 当日柳津町内でご宿泊の方は各宿泊施設へ、当日ご宿泊をされない方は町民センターへお越しください。(※1)
  2. 町民センターをご利用の方は、当日19時までにセンターへお越しください。(お支度が混み合いますので、お時間に余裕をもってお越しください。)
  3. 参加の際には「七日堂裸詣り」の文字が印字された手拭いのご着用をよろしくお願いいたします。(※2)
  4. 集合場所等につきまして、場所の指定はございません。20時30分の鐘を合図に本堂を目指してください。
  5. 催しは約1時間の予定です。(20時30分~21時30分頃まで)(※3)
  6. 本堂からお支度場所へお戻りになる際、観光案内所駐車場にて御神酒の配布がございます。是非お立ち寄りください。
  7. お帰りのご用意が出来次第、解散となります。どうぞご安全にお帰りください。

(※2)下帯をご持参でない方は、各受け入れ施設にてお求めください。(無地:800円 刺しゅう入り:1,200円)











【下り】会津若松駅発:午後6時 →柳津観光案内所ゆき(午後7時着)

【上り】柳津観光案内所発:午後10時 →会津若松駅ゆき(午後11時着)











柳津観光協会 事務局 (9:00~17:00)












We would like to inform you that the details for “Nanakkado Naked Pilgrimage” on January 7, 2025 (Tuesday) have been decided.

(* Matters decided as of 2024/12/06 (Friday) are listed.)


↓↓↓Please check the linked article below for “Notice regarding Gencho Pilgrimage”. ↓↓↓


[About Nanakadou Naked Pilgrimage]

The Nanakado Naked Pilgrimage, which will be held on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, is an event that boasts a history of over 1,000 years, and is visited by many people every year.

Regarding the event held on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, we will continue to hold it in the traditional format as we did last year, while taking all possible measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection.

Therefore, we will do so in the following manner.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation to all those who visit and participate.

date and time
From 8:30pm on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025


To everyone participating and viewing
・To all participants
*“Nanakkado Naked Pilgrimage” to be held on January 7, 2025 will require [advance application].
If you would like to participate, please apply using the various forms, or by fax or email.


[PDF] R7 Nanakado Temple Naked Pilgrimage Guidelines (003)


[For application] Google form



-Participation conditions-
(1) Any healthy male can participate, regardless of whether he is in or out of town.
(2) If you do not have a lower belt fee, a separate lower belt fee will be charged. (Plain: 800 yen, embroidered: 1,200 yen)
(3) It is strictly prohibited to draw pictures or letters on the colored lower belt or body.
(4) If you are not feeling well, such as with a fever of 38℃ or higher, please refrain from participating.

If you have any other questions, please contact us directly from the “Contact information” listed at the bottom of this notice.


[How to participate/Flow of the day]
If you are staying in Yanaizu Town on the day of the event, please go to each accommodation facility, and if you are not staying on the day of the event, please come to the Town Citizen Center. (*1)
If you are using the Town Citizens Center, please come to the center by 7:00pm on the day of your visit. (Please arrive with plenty of time to prepare as it will be busy.)
When participating, please wear a hand towel with the words “Nanakkado Naked Pilgrimage” printed on it. (※2)
There is no designated meeting place. Head toward the main hall when the bell rings at 8:30 p.m.
The event is scheduled to last approximately 1 hour. (From 20:30 to around 21:30) (*3)
When returning from the main hall to the preparation area, sacred sake will be distributed at the tourist information center parking lot. Please come and visit us.
The group will disband as soon as you are ready to go home. Please return safely.

(*1) For those using the Town Citizen Center, a center usage fee of 1,000 yen will be charged. Thank you for your understanding.
(*2) If you do not bring a lower belt, please purchase one at each reception facility. (Plain: 800 yen, embroidered: 1,200 yen)

(*3) If you plan to use the free shuttle bus, please be prepared in time for the 22:00 bus.




・For those viewing
There are no special restrictions for general worshipers. Please take thorough measures to prevent infection and avoid any injuries or accidents.

Please note that viewing the stairs from Uchidaya-mae to the main hall will only be allowed on one side. Please follow the instructions of the guides and help ensure the safety of participants.

The main hall will be very crowded. Please watch to avoid any accidents or injuries.

Thank you for your cooperation in the safe operation of Nanakado Naked Pilgrimage.

About Nanakado Naked Pilgrimage and Free Special Bus Service

[Down] Departing from Aizuwakamatsu Station: 6:00 p.m. → Going to Yanaizu Tourist Information Center (arriving at 7:00 p.m.)

[Inbound] Departing from Yanaizu Tourist Information Center: 10:00 p.m. → Going to Aizuwakamatsu Station (arriving at 11:00 p.m.)

*Seating capacity is 55 people. Please note that it is not possible to reserve or specify seats.


Precautions when visiting Nanakado Temple naked

Snowfall and icy roads are expected on the day of the event, so please be sure to wear winter tires.

Depending on the situation with the new coronavirus infection, there may be changes to the event content. If any changes occur, we will notify you of the decisions on our website.

We ask for your cooperation in ensuring safe operations on the day of the event to avoid any unexpected accidents.

Inquiry for details

*If you have any questions regarding procedures and preparations at your accommodation, please contact each accommodation directly.

Yanaizu Tourism Association Secretariat (9:00-17:00)

TEL: 0241-42-2346

FAX: 0241-42-2442

Mail: yanaizu@saturn.plala.or.jp

Please contact us using the number/address above or the inquiry form.